Welcome to the Parish of Bright
You are warmly welcome to the Parish of Bright website. As the late John McGrath in his booklet ‘The Parish of Bright: A History’ says,
“The Parish of Bright, like the parishes of the Lecale, can trace its history back to the very earliest days of Christianity in Ireland. The rolling hills of Bright are undoubtedly very much the same today as they were more than 1,500 years ago, when St. Patrick landed at Saul, only a few miles distant.”

We even have our own local saint, Loarn!
“St Loarn, who was Bishop of Bright, was honoured in the Irish Celtic Church with a feast on 11th September” (J McGrath).
We are blessed to belong to such a history of faith and practice that continues to this day amidst the challenges of our present age. Let us pray that together we will keep the flame of faith burning brightly into the coming decades and future centuries.

Mass Times
Sunday Mass
Saturday Vigil St Joseph’s, Killough 6.30pm
Sunday St Patrick’s, Legamaddy 10.00am
Weekday Mass
Monday St Patrick’s, Legamaddy 10.00am
Tuesday St Joseph’s, Killough 10.00am
Wednesday St Joseph’s, Killough 7.30pm
Thursday Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Rossglass 10.00am
Friday St Patrick’s, Legamaddy 7.30pm
Saturday St Joseph’s, Killough 10.00am
Holy Rosary
The Rosary is prayed 20 minutes before the beginning of each weekday Mass.
Weekly Confessions
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available after all weekday Masses and in St Joseph’s every Wednesday 8.00pm-8.45pm and at 6.00pm before the Saturday Vigil Mass and in St Patrick’s every Friday 8.00pm-8.45pm.
First Saturday Fatima Devotion
Each first Saturday in St Joseph’s Church, Killough, beginning with the Rosary at 9.15am, followed by Meditation on the Mysteries, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 10.00am; Confession after Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration
St Joseph’s, Killough every Wednesday: 1.30pm-7.30pm and after Mass from 8.00pm-9.00pm.
St Patrick’s, Legamaddy every Friday: 6.30pm-7.30pm and after Mass from 8.00pm-9.00pm.